Wednesday, 26 October 2011


Hello all.

I trust the approaching first frost of wintry times has got you all excited about treading softly on crisply muddied leaves and thinking about putting on more layers in the evenings.

It has me.

Not only that but we'll soon have even less daylight to watch our footing in as this weekend sees the end of British Summer Time officially.

This week I've been mostly...


Not outside obviously. It's bloomin' windy this time of year. I've set up my turbo trainer two feet away from my TV so I can pedal away and watch anything that takes my mind off how boring it is not doing this cycling thing for real.


Did I mention it was windy?

The reason I'm staying indoors, besides being a bit of a girl when it comes to cycling in the windy, rainy, yuckiness of autumn, is that I need to lay off my feet for a while until my new custom orthotics are ready!

I saw the physio this week and he told me what I already knew. I have 'special' feet.
After some walking about and a bit of bending my knees and ankles at funny angles I stuck my feet in floral foam.

Now I know my feet are pretty smelly but hopefully they'll come up smelling of roses after a little time in prime flower arrangers material.

Unfortunately they were in just long enough to make an impression and had to be removed!

Bad jokes aside it was far quicker than my last experience which involved plaster of Paris and an overly long wait while the stuff dried during which time I was to remain totally still.

Which I'm not know for.

Now I have but a few weeks to wait before my new, improved orthotics are ready and I can jump up and down to my hearts content thereafter. I can't wait. Though there'll probably be less jumping and more jogging as I've got a 10k in two weeks time.

See my earlier blog entry here for details.

That's all for now really, I'm looking forward to another delightful run along the Thames this weekend, hopefully the wind won't blow the pleasant stench of sewage into my face as I breath it deeply into my lungs for the duration as happened last week.

Lace up folks :)

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