Hello and welcome kindly visitors to my humble blog. I've done my half-marathon, raised some money for a great cause and now I have to look to the future.
For those who don't know I'm currently serving Her Majesty as a member of her Armed Forces. However I've handed my notice in and will be a fully fledged civilian in less than a year! I can't wait.
The military life requires a certain level of fitness which, now that I'm leaving, I'm a little concerned may slip somewhat when I re-integrate into polite society.
And so...
After training long and hard on my own as well as with my long-suffering training buddy Kate (see her running blog here) I feel that I shouldn't let up in the slightest (don't tell her I said so though!).
I'm going to try and enter some event or other every couple of months and hopefully have a lot of fun doing so. Maybe even a proper, full on marathon next year some time. The two I have in mind are the RNLI Reindeer Run in November and the London Santa Run in December.
Fun being the operative word here.
Military fitness, whilst pretty extensive, ain't that fun I can tell you. Especially if you show up late for a Physical Training lesson.
I must admit I am a little saddened this week as I'm engaged in the LAST EVER fitness assessments of my Army career. I passed my Personal Fitness Assessment today beating my last time for the mile-and-a-half run by 17 seconds and I'm getting ready for tomorrow's Combat Fitness Test. An 8 mile march carrying a 40Ib backpack which must be completed in 2 hours.
The mile-and-a-half test is a simple test created by Kenneth Cooper at The Cooper Institute many years ago and is still used as a benchmark assessment by the military. We soldiers must be in the top 20th percentile to pass.
As for the loaded march only Satan can explain that one!
Right that's enough chit-chat for one night.
Goodnight everyone :)
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